Aquascience Aquadome Center at Riverview High School

Aquascience Aquadome Center at Riverview High School

The mission of Riverview High School’s Aquascience Center is to inspirationally increase achievement and career interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics while simultaneously promoting environmental stewardship.

For more information about our program, visit our website at



941-923-1484 (Riverview High School)

Virtual: Fish Science

Program description

Take a virtual excursion to Mote Aquarium and meet some fishy friends. Compare and contrast the specialized structures of bony fish versus cartilaginous sharks through a simulated dissection. Explore the economic and environmental importance of fish to humans and the stewardship actions needed to conserve threatened species.

Booking / scheduling contact

Jason Robertshaw

   (941) 388-2904

Program detail
Artistic discipline:
Cultural Origin: Array, Array
Program type: Online Virtual Exploration
Population served: 3-5
Subject: Science
Bilingual: No
Fees / Ticketing:


Up to 60 min, $144


Is transportation needed for this exploration?: No

Program info

Summer or Family Programs Offered?: no